Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Double Journal Entry #5 and Activity #2

1. Media in Education is just using the material for it's originally intended purpose. Media Literacy Education is about transforming material into something new. 2. Copying existing work to expand upon it for new ideas. 3. Fair Use is more important today because companies are extending time that material is copyrighted making it more difficult or impossible to use previous material in new ways. 4. a. Did the unlicensed use “transform” the material taken from the copyrighted work by using it for a different purpose than that of the original, or did it just repeat the work for the same intent and value as the original? b. Was the material taken appropriate in kind and amount, considering the nature of the copyrighted work and of the use? 5. Using the Lion King to point out racial stereotypes would answer no to the first question for Fair Use. However, the teacher would be using the material for a social commentary, so I say, yes, it is covered by Fair Use. Also, Principle 1 gives the teacher the right to use it in this way. 6. Principle 4 is most concurrent to what our project was focused on. We used the images and music to illustrate our ideas about what kind of teachers we are going to be as well as to give us as students a better idea of what is acceptable and unacceptable when using media that is under copyright protection. 7. There are guidelines, not dead-set laws. 8. No, as long as you are not using a significant amount or there is a clear intent on why the material was used (like the paper said, music shouldn't be used just to set the mood) and if the material is used in a creative way. 9. Yes, they should. They should share their knowledge of Fair Use to librarians, media specialist, and principals so that policies reflect actual Fair Use and not just fear of being sued. 10. The 10% "myth" is the one that shocked me. I took an educational technology course at my old university and we did an extensive group project and lecture on Fair Use. I don't remember which website we got the information from, but it was exactly like what was in the parenthesis under that myth, so it's really surprising to see that it's not the case.
Double Entry Journal
Our digital story falls under fair use guidelines first of all because of Principle 4, specifically because of this quote :
Students strengthen media literacy skills by creating messages and using such symbolic forms as language, images, sound, music, and digital media to express and share meaning.
By working on this project, we did learn how to use the images and music to create a message about what kind of teacher we wanted to be. I expressly chose the music and increased the tempo of the song to be upbeat and uplifting to portray that I hope to be an uplifting, enthusiastic teacher. We also used images for comment and illustration, which are both included in Principle 4 on reasons students are able to use copyrighted material to share meaning.

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